What are the most effective tennis drills for improving your forehand?

by | Jan 9, 2024 | Training Tips and Techniques

Enhancing your forehand technique is crucial for taking your tennis game to the next level. Mastering your forehand can be the key to dominating your opponents on the court. To help you develop a powerful and accurate forehand, it’s important to incorporate specific drills into your training regimen. In this blog post, we will explore some of the most effective tennis drills that can elevate your forehand game. Whether you’re a beginner looking to build a solid foundation or a more advanced player striving to refine your skills, these drills will help you achieve greater consistency, power, and control in your forehand shots.

Key Takeaways:

  • Consistency is Key: When practicing your forehand, focus on drills that emphasize consistent, controlled shots over power. This will help you refine your technique and develop muscle memory to improve accuracy and precision in your shots.
  • Footwork Matters: Incorporate drills that are designed to improve your mobility and footwork on the court. This will not only enhance your ability to reach and set up for forehand shots, but also improve your overall agility and speed on the court.
  • Variety is Important: To fully develop your forehand, it’s essential to include a variety of drills that challenge different aspects of the stroke, such as depth, spin, and angle. This will help you become a well-rounded player and prepare you for a wide range of game situations.

Fundamental Drills for Building Forehand Technique

Any effective tennis training regimen for improving your forehand should include a variety of fundamental drills that target different aspects of your technique. These drills are designed to help you develop a solid foundation and improve your overall performance on the court. When practiced consistently, they can make a significant difference in your ability to hit powerful and accurate forehand shots.

Closed-Stance Drills

When working on your forehand technique, closed-stance drills can be particularly beneficial. These drills involve positioning your body with your feet parallel to the baseline, and are great for focusing on your footwork, balance, and weight transfer. By practicing closed-stance drills, you can improve your ability to generate power and control on your forehand shots, as well as develop a strong foundation for other more advanced techniques.

Open-Stance Drills

Open-stance drills are essential for developing a more dynamic and versatile forehand technique. By practicing these drills, you can improve your ability to rotate your hips and shoulders, and generate more power from your lower body. Incorporating open-stance drills into your training can help you to effectively handle a wider range of shots and playing conditions, and ultimately enhance your overall performance on the court.

Semi-Open Stance Drills

Another important aspect of building a well-rounded forehand technique is mastering the semi-open stance. These drills will help you find the right balance between the stability of the closed stance and the flexibility of the open stance. By incorporating semi-open stance drills into your training, you can improve your ability to adjust to different ball placements and hit a wider variety of shots with power and precision, making your forehand a more valuable weapon in your game.

Advanced Forehand Drills to Enhance Power and Accuracy

Not all forehand drills are created equal. When you are looking to take your forehand to the next level, you need drills that will specifically target power and accuracy. Here are some advanced drills that will help you develop a stronger and more precise forehand:

  1. Weighted Ball Drill: This drill involves using a weighted ball to build strength in your forehand stroke. By practicing with a heavier ball, you can improve your power and control when hitting standard tennis balls.
  2. Multi-Target Drill: Set up multiple targets on the court and practice hitting your forehand to different areas. This drill will improve your accuracy and control over your shots, helping you to place the ball exactly where you want it.
  3. Resistance Band Drill: Using resistance bands while practicing your forehand can help to build strength and power in your swing. The added resistance will force you to engage your core and upper body, leading to a more powerful shot.

Live Ball Drills for Forehand Power

One effective live ball drill for improving forehand power is the cross-court rally drill. During this drill, your practice partner feeds you balls that you hit back cross-court. This drill will help you develop a powerful and consistent cross-court forehand, which is an essential shot in any tennis match. By focusing on hitting through the ball with maximum power and spin, you will strengthen and improve your forehand stroke, making it a formidable weapon on the court.

Target Practice for Precision

Target practice drills are essential for improving the precision of your forehand. One effective drill is to set up targets in different areas of the court and practice hitting your forehand to these specific spots. By aiming for these targets, you will develop the ability to place the ball exactly where you want it, increasing the precision and effectiveness of your forehand. This type of drill will also help you to develop the mental focus and concentration required to execute accurate shots under pressure, making you a more confident and precise player on the court.

Consistency Drills for Forehand Endurance

After mastering the basics of the forehand stroke, it’s time to work on your endurance and consistency. These drills are designed to push you to the limit and build the muscle memory needed to maintain a strong and controlled forehand throughout a match. Consistency drills will not only improve your endurance, but also your accuracy and footwork, making you a more formidable opponent on the court.

Cross-Court to Cross-Court Drills

One of the most effective drills for building forehand endurance is the cross-court to cross-court drill. Start by standing on one side of the court and hitting forehands to a partner or coach situated on the opposite side. You should aim to maintain a steady rhythm, hitting the ball with pace and accuracy. Your partner can then return the ball to you, and the rally continues. This drill will challenge your ability to consistently place your shots and maintain your form, while also improving your footwork as you move laterally across the baseline. It’s a great way to simulate the back-and-forth nature of a real match, helping you develop the stamina needed to sustain long rallies.

Down-the-Line to Down-the-Line Drills

Another valuable drill for forehand endurance is the down-the-line to down-the-line drill. Similar to the cross-court drill, this exercise involves hitting forehands back and forth with a partner. However, in this drill, you will be focusing on hitting the ball down the line, targeting the sidelines of the court. This drill is particularly effective for improving your ability to hit aggressive shots while maintaining consistency and control. It will also help you develop the mental focus needed to keep the ball in play and place it precisely where you want it. By practicing this drill regularly, you can strengthen your forehand stroke and become more adept at dictating play from the baseline.

Incorporating Movement and Footwork

Despite having a strong forehand technique, without proper movement and footwork, you may struggle to reach the ball effectively and consistently. Incorporating movement and footwork drills into your training routine is crucial for improving your forehand and overall court coverage. By practicing these drills, you’ll enhance your agility, speed, and ability to set up for powerful forehand shots.

Side-to-Side Forehand Drills

When it comes to improving your forehand, side-to-side drills are essential for developing lateral movement on the court. These drills involve hitting forehands while moving laterally along the baseline or within specific areas of the court. By incorporating these drills into your training, you’ll improve your ability to track down wide shots and hit powerful forehands on the run. One effective drill involves setting up cones at different points along the baseline and hitting forehands while shuffling from side to side, ensuring you maintain proper form and technique throughout the movement. This will not only improve your footwork but also enhance your ability to hit forehands from different positions on the court.

Approach and Transition Drills

Another crucial aspect of improving your forehand is mastering approach and transition drills. These drills focus on moving forward towards the net to hit forehands, either after approaching the net or after hitting an approach shot. By practicing these drills, you’ll improve your ability to finish points at the net with a strong forehand. One effective drill involves hitting approach shots and then moving in to hit aggressive forehands, allowing you to take control of the point and put pressure on your opponent. Additionally, practicing transition drills, such as hitting a deep approach shot and then hitting a forehand to finish the point, will enhance your ability to smoothly transition from the baseline to the net while maintaining a strong forehand position.


Upon reflecting on the most effective tennis drills for improving your forehand, it is clear that a combination of technical drills and repetitive practice is essential for success. Focusing on footwork, body positioning, and racket control through drills such as the Shadow Swing, Cross-Court Forehand, and Forehand Down the Line will help you develop a more powerful and accurate forehand. Additionally, incorporating live ball drills and point play scenarios into your training will allow you to transfer your improved mechanics into actual match situations. By consistently incorporating these drills into your practice routine, you will see significant improvements in your forehand and overall performance on the tennis court.


What are the most effective tennis drills for improving your forehand?

The most effective tennis drills for improving your forehand include the following:
1. Cross-court control: Hit forehands cross-court, aiming for consistency and control over power.
2. Inside-out forehands: Practice hitting the ball from the middle of the court to the sidelines with your forehand.
3. Approach shots: Work on forehand approach shots to improve your ability to attack the net.
4. Forehand volleys: Incorporate drills for forehand volleys to improve your net game.
5. Angle and depth control: Work on hitting forehands with various angles and depths to develop versatility in your shots.

How often should I practice these drills to see improvement in my forehand?

To see improvement in your forehand, it is recommended to practice these drills at least 3-4 times a week. Consistency and repetition are key to mastering any skill, and tennis is no exception. However, be mindful of overtraining and allow for adequate rest and recovery to prevent injury.

Are there any additional tips for improving my forehand technique?

In addition to drills, focus on improving your footwork, balance, and timing. Pay attention to your grip, racquet head position, and follow-through to ensure proper technique. It’s also beneficial to watch instructional videos or seek guidance from a qualified coach to analyze and refine your forehand mechanics.